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Why Should We Look After Our Spine?

Welcome to the May edition of the MIndFitBody Newsletter.

I hope this finds you well.

In this edition I want to answer the question... "Why should we look after our spine?"

I think for most of us the feeling of wellness is worth striving for. It does require time and effort but the reward is worth it. I find having a well adjusted spine is an integral component to feeling well when combined with good nutrition, exercise, proper rest and mental wellbeing.

Why should we look after our spine?





There are many reasons to do this but let me give you my personal Top 5 reasons For Getting Chiropractic Care;

  1.  Help ensure that my nervous system and brain are functioning without interference. This means that the many different systems controlled by the nervous system (particularly my brain, hormonal, immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems) have a better chance of working well.
  2. Maximise my energy by helping my spine, joints and muscles to work more efficiently.
  3. Help prevent injuries and painful episodes. ( I love keeping very active and being in the outdoors. I want to be able to do it as much and for as long as I can!)
  4. Good Posture. This leads to less wear and tear on your joints and more importantly good body language. Body language is 55% of your communication with others! Changing your posture can change how you feel! 
  5. Help me adapt to the challenges of life more appropriately and recover efficiently via the impact on the sympathetic/ parasympathetic nervous systems.

Spinal Health Week - 23-29 May

This year during Spinal Health Week, the Chiropractors Association wants to remind all people that they can achieve peak performance through good spinal function, reducing pain, maintaining healthy posture and taking care of one’s health.

Although there are many potential issues that could affect the spine - when I examine your spine I am particularly interested in how it functions. One particular problem that can cause spinal dysfunction is termed a "Subluxation." 

A subluxation usually refers to spinal joint problems that can affect the way you hold yourself (Posture), move (Muscle Biomechanics) and function (because of a direct influence on your nervous system). Interestingly, subluxations are sometimes painful but in many cases they go unnoticed. 

To explain this further I wanted to share with you an article written by Dr. John Minardi BHK, DC for the Australian Spinal Research Foundation.

Many chiropractors often report that they have people come into their clinics and become pregnant under chiropractic care, where they were never able to become pregnant before? How many of them have seen individuals with depressed immune systems suddenly become well by being adjusted? How could this be possible?

Subluxation – causing stress in the brain

By understanding that a spinal subluxation acts as a physical stressor, due to the strain of the supporting structures connecting to that vertebra, a neurological stressor, due to the negative information from the nociceptors (sensory receptors) overflowing the nerves up to the brain, and a chemical stressor, due to the accumulation of inflammation inside the facet joint - we then can embrace that the subluxation has a neurological connection to the limbic (emotional) system and launches the stress response to occur in the brain. When the stress response is initiated, this activates two systems: The Sympatho-Adrenal System (SAS), and the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis (HPA). The SAS activates the Sympathetic Nervous System, which in turn releases Norepinephine into the circulation.

Once Norepinephine reaches the adrenal glands, the adrenal glands release Epinephine (Adrenalin) into the blood stream. Adrenalin supplies energy to the muscles and heart to prepare for the stress; however, it takes this energy from reproductive organs and the gastrointestinal tract. The HPA axis activates the hypothalamus to release specific hormones to the anterior pituitary gland which in turn releases ACTH into circulation. Once ACTH reaches the adrenal glands, the adrenals release cortisol. Again, cortisol supplies energy to the muscles; however, it takes this energy from reproductive organs and the immune system.

This stress response is a normal response provided that the stressor is removed in a short period of time. However, when the stressor is not removed quickly, this chronic hormonal release negatively alters the immune system, reproductive system and gastrointestinal system, triggering a cascade of dysfunction. Chronic stress is associated with a huge number of diseases and illnesses.

If the cause of this stress is exacerbated by the subluxation then through the chiropractic adjustment, we stop the chronic stress response and allow energy to be reallocated back to the centers that promote growth, expansion and health.

Feel free to share this with friends or family that may be interested.


Dr Mark Symonds


BChiroSc, MChiro, C.C.W.P., NLP Master Coach